The Best Cucumber Salad!

It is August 3rd - that means that two months from tomorrow is World Dairy Expo! Sheesh - where is this summer going!!! We'll talk more about that later - I just wanted to share with you the final look of the new painting for Balchem, which will debut at Expo and also be for sale in both Balchem's booth and mine. This new piece is titled 'Birth of an Industry'. My framer finished it off with my favorite molding choice, 'Isabella', and it all set to go (weighs a ton too, I'm barely able to lift it - ).
I can hardly choke these words out, but it will soon be time to think about back to school - and you know what that means...........FUNDRAISERS! Whoot-whoot! (or not) Relax, we've got your back at Bonnie Mohr Studio - if you're looking for a fun, easy, and profitable fundraiser for your kids teams, groups or clubs, give us a shout and we will send you everything you need for our note card fundraising program. You can even qualify to receive a free print, and use it to raise additional dollars! Give us a call at 320.864.6642 or email us HERE.
The garden is exploding this summer - good heat and plenty of rain ; ) All this fresh produce has spurred me on to a 'new recipe hunting expedition'. If you like cucumbers, you must try this recipe - it is SO SO SO delicious, it masks the sometimes bitter taste of kale, and finally I can justify eating Tofu! This recipe really is a winner, I hope you will enjoy it! Get the recipe HERE.
As summer tradition would have it - we gathered friends, family, neighbors, strangers, the mail man, and anyone else we could round up to 'pickle' this past Friday! (Really, it was just family!) We put away 2 1/2 bushels of cucumbers from 1-7pm.....not too shabby?! There are certain things in life I can live without, homemade pickles is not one of them - we are stocked for another year of pickle pleasure... the perfect pickle for any sandwich, something to talk about when I'm serving them at our winter card parties, not to mention it is a great low-calorie snack any time of the day or night!
Have a great August day -