Caution: Adorable Puppy Pics Ahead!

'There is no such thing as too much of a good thing'.........right? Well that is actually debatable! Take 'Blackout Chocolate Dream Cake' for example, one could argue all day on the serving size of this delectable - and I for one would be in for a second or third helping! What does this have to do with Bonnie Mohr Studio note cards - absolutely nothing, but we ARE OVERSTOCKED with too much of a good thing, and will be getting new inventory into the shop in the weeks ahead. Too many note cards on our end, IS a good thing for you!! SHOP NOW, SHOP TODAY. Call your friends, call the fundraising chairman, call the Doctor, call everyone - early bird gets the deals here. For a limited time - we have a great selection of overstocked and closeout note cards that will be offered at half off when you buy 3 or more. Here's how it works -
Buy any 3 packs of note cards, and get 3 more free.
Buy any 4 packs of note cards, and get 4 more free.
Buy any 5 packs of note cards, and get 5 more free.
You get the gist .................................
This is too much of a good thing and a great opportunity for you!! This is especially ideal if you would like to do some serious fundraising for your kid's 4-H, church, band, Sr. Class trip, or absolutely anything else club or group your kids or families are involved in. We have everything you need to make this note card fundraising opportunity work for you, right HERE. Give us a call today at 320.864.6642 with any questions!! We are here to help ;)
It just wouldn't be right if I wouldn't share an update with the newest member of our family! Remi is doing great, and growing like a weed! Cute little bugger, except we all have holes in our shoes now - wow, I almost had forgotten about that whole teething thing!!
No worries - off to town- gee, they have really updated their teething toys - so cute!
Remi has his own personal swimming pool and is enjoying lessons!! He especially loves doing the Cannon Ball! I opted out of the 'Parent gets in the pool too' class - I seriously just didn't think there was room for both of us in there ; ) (not to mention I already did about 15 years of that!)
The boys have already introduced him to his number one purpose in life.....yes, hunting! There is no time to waste - the boys have waited for their own hunting dog for a long time ; )
Play time is big on the list too!
It's a new community - we are working on the whole 'harmony' thing!
And if you're not big enough to get up on the swing, just pester the person up there, and eventually you will get lifted up for a ride too!
Most importantly in a puppies life, is MORE PLAY TIME!
No actually, it is love. Real, genuine, home spun love..................
And rest .......nothing like catching a little snoozy in the warmth of a beautiful summer day!
After all this puppy stuff, you have probably forgotten about the fabulous note card opportunity I talked about early.... click HERE to get all the details ;)
Call if we can help - or just call to say HI - if you feel the need to call and tell us how adorable Remi is, that is fine, you can call about that too -
Whew, this was a long one.........signing off,