June 03, 2013
World Dairy Expo!

With fall harvest in full swing and the trailer packed wall to wall, end to end, Bonnie Mohr Studio is ready for World Dairy Expo - the largest dairy-focused event in the world! World Dairy Expo is located on the Dane County Fair Grounds in Madison, Wisconsin, and showcases the BEST of the BEST in dairy cattle, technology and research in the dairy industry. World Dairy Expo started in the 1960s, when dairy farmers, governmental and educational leaders, as well as agricultural businesses decided to create a corporation that would promote the dairy industry. This year's theme is "Market Fresh," which explains the event's mission to share fresh ideas for the future success of the dairy industry around the globe. Bonnie's True Type Ideal Holstein Cow and Bull paintings, which were commissioned by the National Holstein Association, will be making their Expo debut at the event! Romeo and Juliet, as they are named, will be on display all week at Expo. Check out the story here! This is the 27th year for Bonnie Mohr Studio at Expo, which is held Tuesday, October 2 through Saturday, October 6 this year. Our booths will be located in the West Lobby of the Coliseum and in the main hallway at the Exhibition Hall. Come visit us to see Bonnie's latest work and for exclusive Expo specials! If you're not able to make it to Expo, follow along on Facebook! We'll be posting trivia and photos each day from Expo, and every correct answer will be entered into a daily drawing to win a free Bonnie Mohr Studio tote bag! Also, check out our Events and Press page! The KSMQ "Farm Connections" segment about Bonnie and her FFA project is posted! Hope to see you in Madison! Cheers! Alyssa