The Season of I DO is Upon Us!

March - this is a bell ringer month! Out of no-where, it nonchalantly pops up on the calendar, and quietly MARCHES along trying not to be noticed...are you kidding!

This month means the year is almost one fourth over!

It means March Madness , statehigh school tournaments and playoffs, St. Patrick's Day, Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent, Day Light Savings Time, the first day of Spring, and yes - Bridal Fairs  E V E R Y W H E R E !!!!!  Church bells begin ringing their joyous  accolades during this month and go full force for the rest of the year -  I can hardly believe it has been 5 years since I released my painting of I DO.  It's genuine simplicity is what I love most about this print. A man and a woman, in traditional wedding attire professing their love at the altar of God! 

This print continues to be a 'best seller' at Bonnie Mohr Studio, and in celebration of this blissful time of the year - we invite you to send us the names of a special couple getting married in the year 2014 that you would like to honor with a personalized, framed, I DO print. On April 1st we will choose one lucky couple as the winner!  Simply "Like" our FB page, send us a personal message with the couples name and a brief description of your relationship with them, along with your contact information. We will cover shipping and handling- what a wonderful gift to present to the future bride and groom in your life!

Share this blog with your family and friends so that they can give a couple in their life this awesome opportunity!

Thanks for reading,
