Slow Going!

The interesting thing about life is, that no matter how good your intentions are, or how accurate and complete your TO DO list is...reality is still reality!  Everyday, comes a power-punched menue of kid's activities, motherhood obligations, and business duties.  The further I grow in life, the more I've come to realize that just doing your best each day, and enjoying the journey with all it's surprises is the best way to handle life.  (It has also kept me from 'freaking out' and 'stressing' out, about everything I didn't get done that day and thought I would ; )   And so...So much for the plans to have this painting completed last week...Yes, I'm still at it, but am making progress, and thought you might like to see how things are progressing!  Plans are to wrap up this new water painting this week, and overlay a painted verse on it.  If all goes well, I will have this new print in time for debut at the upcoming MN State Fair.  We will also post it online asap! New to me weekly blogging, will be my participation in WORLDWIDE WORDLESS WEDNESDAY.  Beginning tomorrow (hopefully, providing I get it done!!) will be the posting of a picture on my blog, with no words.  Apparently this is a phenomena that has been going on for sometime (as I sometimes miss these things in my cocoon world), and so, please join me each Wednesday for 'Wordless Wednesday'. Remember folks....happiness begins with you! Have a great day, and thanks for reading..... Bonnie