June 03, 2013
Birthday Bliss

So far this morning my Bunn coffee maker ran over the sides while it was brewing, my glob of toothpaste fell off my toothbrush and ran down the sink, and now, as I look out the window sipping on my coffee grounds, I see that the hard frost really did come overnight and my plants, flowers and especially my dear, dear tomato plants are dead. (At least my shirt isn't inside out, like it was yesterday.) On the average normal morning, this could all add up to one crabby artist. But not today....I need to get busy and get ready for my 7:30am coffee date, which will be followed by a staff lunch party, topped off with a night out for dinner with my family........HELLO....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY PEOPLE!! Happy Birthday to me :) In the midst of packing for World Dairy Expo and finishing one last painting to take with, it is a wonderful day to take a breather, embrace life, and enjoy the beautiful autumn weather in my most favorite season - Fall!....and yes, take delight in my birthday. Getting older is not always on the top 10 list of favorite things to do, but I look around, and see that I have been blessed. A good life, a wonderful family, a fabulous job, great health, the best friends, neighbors and employees one could ever hope for...life is good. To this I say ONWARD and PLEASE PASS THE WINE ! Let's CELEBRATE!! Hope to see you all at World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI next week.... In the meanwhile, if you have time, we invite you to have a look at this weeks article on The Bullvine here. And last but not least - if you really want to get me something for my birthday, but just don't know what....I will take a LIKE and SHARE on Facebook - help us reach 3,000!! Love to all - Thanks for reading,