Around the Studio

SNOW, SNOW GO AWAY... What season is it anyway?! We awoke on Good Friday to 8 inches of new snow on the ground! I was not impressed but tried not to grumble about it, as that pretty much sets the tone for what comes out of my children's mouths! As I stared out the window in disbelief, all I could think of was having an Easter Egg hunt in all that snow! Well, the sun did shine on Easter morning, but I opted to do the egg hunt indoors - imagine that!! It was a blessed and happy day though, as we began this most holy day of the year gathered and united as a family in church for Easter Sunday mass (after the cows were milked of course!). I must also share, however, that two days before, I observed my first robin of the year! This would be on my TOP TEN list of 'most wonderful things'! She sat perched in my daughter's flowering crab, 'First Communion' tree, just outside the kitchen window! And so, I am confident that spring will ultimately arrive!
IN THE STUDIO... painting is painfully slow, but steady! My mother never told me that having 5 children would hamper my painting time to this degree! I wouldn't change it for the world though, and just like everyone else, strive to find peaceful balance in my life each day, and am thankful for all my blessings. I promise to keep you posted with my new work as soon as it is developed into something worthwhile to show you! Which reminds me... if you haven't already done so... SEND US YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! With the rising cost of postage and paper, and everything else - we are aggressively working towards a more efficient communication means with you - that's right, E-NEWSLETTER. If you want to start receiving them, (probably 4-5 per year), please email us your email address, and we will be sure to get you included! Thanks! Have a wonderful day, and thanks for reading.