"Bright Eyed Girl"
August 08, 2013
A Very Jersey Christmas

Hello Jersey Fans!!!! As I promised to those of you I spoke with at World Dairy Expo, here it is - a new Jersey Cow Christmas Card!! This was such a fun piece to paint. Although, I would have to admit I am a big baby for enduring frigid outdoor temps, but I love, love, love snowmen! This is one of our perky Jerseys that I caught rolling her tongue out in the cow yard a couple weeks ago, and I just knew it would be perfect for this painting. I hope you enjoy it, too. This painting is called "Well, Hello There," and Christmas cards will be ready to go by the end of next week, starting around November 1st. They will be sold like our others, packaged in sets of 10, for $12 per package. I'm still thinking about prints on this piece, and I will maybe produce something in print during 2013. Back to work....we have an Open House to get ready for! Stay warm (we've already had S-N-O-W!).....
PS- Thank you for all the entries on naming the painting below. I decided to name the painting, "Bright Eyed Girl." Thank you again to all those who submitted names!