A Blog Dedicated to Farmers

Yesterday was National Ag Day! This week's blog is dedicated to the people who turn the soil and produce the food we eat - the American farmer! While only 2% of the US population lives on a farm, they own and operate 2.2 million farms across America - this is only 15% of the US population (21 million people) producing our nation's food and fiber! Cheers to farmers who make it possible to enjoy hamburgers on the grill, milk with our Oreos and the convenience of grocery store shopping ; )
Born and raised on a farm, and being married to a farmer, farm life has been my style forever. Growing up in a family of 8 children (seven girls), I was the second oldest. Since my brother was the second youngest...we girls learned to not only cook and clean, but we were expected to be a part of the entire farming operation. While not all childhood memories are fond - they stay etched in my mind and are the reasons I grew up learning the importance of hard work, team work, diligence, respect and responsibility. Summer months were the most demanding. In addition to the normal chores that had to be done, there was additional work: picking rock, walking bean fields, and stacking hay and straw in the mound of our dairy barn - it must have been 110 degrees up there! We loved summer though, it meant homegrown corn on the cob from our garden, swimming lessons, and the prize - exhibiting our projects and cattle at the county fair! We didn't have the best cattle in the county, but we loved 4-H and the chance to get out of chores on the farm and go to the fair. In many ways, it was a simpler time - no computers, no social media, and a calmer pace of life. I love that John and I have been able to raise our 5 children on a farm, and that we have been blessed with the opportunity to teach them the same rituals we knew growing up - it has been an honor and we are proud to be farmers!
I am diligently working to get back into my painting chair - life has just been popping up all around me with loose ends and things that 'have to get done' - but I am determined that before next week's blog I will have a paint brush in my hand ;)
Wednesday's work is calling - until next week.............