The Renovation Ramps Up!

The robins are back, the snow is gone, the days are getting longer, graduation is creeping up, and the studio is renovating! Spring is here - is there a better time? Watching the world reinvent itself each spring gives me an extra "lift" and wakes me up before my alarm goes off in the morning...I LOVE SPRING! Things are evolving and changing each day at Bonnie Mohr Studio with the renovation in full swing. We decided to try some "VLOGS" over the past few weeks to give you a more personal view on life around Bonnie Mohr Studio, I hope you have enjoyed them ; ) But today, I thought it was time for some "captured moments" of the progress we are making around the shop!
The new permanent walls are up in the showroom area!
New trim is being made for the windows and door frames
The new doors have arrived!! (love'm)
We are busy with spring cleaning...NOT! Laura is managing though, working in this mess!
You can never have enough electrical outlets - thank you Kyle!!
And now for some fun....picking out new carpets!!
Love to all....gotta run, my "plaster/taper guy" is knocking at the door! Happy Spring friends ; ) Bonnie